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Barbara M.

While growing up in the country side of York County Pennsylvania, I was able to find a treasure of learning and adventure. This beautiful old (built in 1935) building offered that chance to learn and experience lots of places. The Library was named after a founding member of the community who requested it be named Martin Memorial Library. York Pennsylvania is a historic city located in the southeast area of the state.

The three (3) tiers of many, many books opened a new world for a 10 year old girl. The experience of walking into a large, quiet building became a haven of excitement to find just the right book.

Many years later that excitement still exists when entering our beautiful Macon County Library.

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Friends and Safe Places


The library has provided me with new friends and safe places to talk through programs, and I have a quiet place to...
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Like Going Home


Libraries scared me years ago. Now they are like going home!

Success in STEM

Amy W.

My daughter has been using the library and attending library programs since she was small. She still loves...

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