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Visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections for voter information and polling place information.

info Library Voting

Macon County, South Franklin Precinct polling location: Macon County Library, 149 Siler Farm Rd.

warning Voter ID changes

Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, starting with the 2023 municipal elections. Those elections occur in September, October, and November, depending on the town or city. (Find your local election details at

Most voters will simply show their NC driver's license, but many other types of photo ID will be accepted. See the list of acceptable IDs at

Register to Vote

The deadline for voter registration in North Carolina is 25 days before the date of the election. You can find voter registration deadlines from the NC State Board of Elections. You may register vote by completing the:

Print the completed form and submit it to your local county board of elections. You may also pick up voter registration forms from your local library. Your application must be postmarked by or received by your county board of elections no later than 25 days before the date of the first election in which you desire to vote. For complete instructions, visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections How to Register page.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections provides a list of qualifications for voter registration in North Carolina.

If you believe you have already registered to vote in North Carolina, you may check your voter registration status online.

For details, check information by county:

To view a sample ballot:

  1. Visit the State Board of Elections voter lookup page and enter your first and last names as they appear on your voter registration card to search for your record.
  2. Click on your name to see your registration profile, including your polling place and jurisdiction.
  3. In the "Your Sample Ballots" box, find the election for which you wish to preview the ballot and click on the ballot name in the ballot column.

Absentee Ballot

An absentee ballot form allows a voter or a near relative or legal guardian to request that an absentee ballot be sent to the voter in the mail. Visit the NC State Board of Elections for more information about absentee voting by mail.

Early Voting

Beginning 12 days before an election, all North Carolina Counties must have at least one location where voters can vote early. Please contact your county board of elections for more information. You may also use the NC State Board of Elections' NC One-Stop Site Search to find early voting locations by county and their hours of operation. No excuse is needed to vote early.

verified 10 Facts About NC's Photo ID Requirement for Voting

1. Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, starting with the 2023 municipal elections. Those elections occur in September, October, and November, depending on the town or city. (Find your local election details at

2. Most voters will simply show their NC driver's license, but many other types of photo ID will be accepted. See the list of acceptable IDs at

3. Voters without ID can get a “No Fee ID Card” from the NCDMV. Soon, voters will also be able to get a free ID from their county board of elections.

4. The State Board is developing a process for approving student and public employee IDs for voting. Lists will be added to the Voter ID website as soon as IDs are approved.

5. When a voter checks in to vote at a polling place, they will be asked to show an acceptable photo ID. Election workers check to see if the picture on the ID reasonably resembles the voter. The address on the photo ID does not have to match the voter registration records.

6. All voters will be allowed to vote with or without a photo ID. If the voter does not show an acceptable ID, the voter may vote with an ID Exception Form and a provisional ballot, or vote with a provisional ballot and return to their county board of elections office with their photo ID by the day before county canvass. (For municipal elections in September and October, this deadline is the Monday following Election Day. For all other elections, the deadline is the second Thursday following Election Day.)

7. Permitted exceptions to the photo ID requirement include the following: The voter has a reasonable impediment to showing photo ID (lack of transportation, lost or stolen ID, disability or illness, family responsibilities, etc.); the voter has a religious objection to being photographed; or the voter was a victim of a natural disaster within 100 days of Election Day.

8. When a registered voter cannot produce a photo ID, the county board of elections must count that ballot if the voter properly completes the ID Exception Form or brings an acceptable ID to their county board of elections before the county canvass.

9. Voters who vote by mail will be asked to include a photocopy of an acceptable ID inside the photo ID envelope that comes with their ballot. If they are unable to include a photocopy of their ID, they may complete an ID Exception Form with the absentee ballot return envelope. Photo ID is not required for military or overseas voters who vote using special absentee voting procedures that federal law makes available for such voters.

10. For more information, see and “FAQ: Voter ID". These web pages will be updated frequently with the latest information.


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