Television series that follows the true-life adventures of veterinarian James Herriot. Set in the windswept dales of Yorkshire, England, the series perfectly captures the warm drawing room fires and freezing wintry barns of the English countryside of the '30s. While this remote area cannot remain untouched by the threat of impending war, there are still plenty of battles to be fought on the home front: on the farms,
a co-production of BBC and Time-Life Films, Inc. ; directed by Christopher Barry ... [et al.] ; produced by Bill Sellars.
Based on the novels by James Herriot.
BBC production as seen on PBS.
Extras: Audio commentaries ; The world of James Herriot ; featurette on the James Herriot museum ; Who's who in the cast.
Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Peter Davison and Carol Drinkwater.
DVD, aspect ratio 4:3; DVD9, region 1, NTSC, Dolby Digital, mono.
Adapted by Johnny Byrne, Brian Finch, William Humble, Terrence Dudley, Anthony Steven ; incidental music composed by Johnny Pearson.