Wilkinson, Karen
"The Art of Tinkering is a collection of exhibits
and projects that celebrate a whole new way to learn
in which people create their own knowledge through making and doing
working with readily available materials
getting their hands dirty
collaborating with others
problem-solving in the most fun sense of the word
oftentimes failing and bouncing back from getting stuck. Each artist featured in The Art of Tinkering goes through this process
and lovingly shares the backstory behind their own work so that readers can feel invited to join in on the whimsy. Whether it's sharing their favorite tools (who knew toenail clippers could be so handy?) or offering a glimpse of their workspaces (you'd be amazed how many electronics tools you can pack into one pantry!)
the stories
and tips in The Art of Tinkering offer a fascinating portrait of today's maker scene. Artists include Scott Weaver
Arthur Ganson
Tim Hunkin
AnnMarie Thomas
Ranjit Bhatnagar and Jie Qi" -- Publisher's description.