The backyard beekeeper
Flottum, Kim
The Backyard Beekeeper
now in its 4th edition
makes the time-honoured and complex tradition of beekeeping an enjoyable and accessible backyard pastime that will appeal to urban and rural beekeepers of all skill levels. More than a guide to beekeeping
this handbook features expert advice for: setting up and caring for your own colonies; the best location to place your new bee colonies for their safety and yours; the most practical and nontoxic ways to care for your bees; swarm control; using top bar hives; harvesting the products of a beehive and collecting and using honey; bee problems and treatments
what's new?; information for urban bees and beekeepers; using your smoker the right way; better pest management; providing consistent and abundant good food; and keeping your hives healthy. With this complete resource and the expert advice of Bee Culture editor Kim Flottum
your bees will be healthy
and more productive.
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