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There are currently 3 announcements posted affecting service at Marianna Black Library, Jackson County Public Library, Macon County Public Library and Nantahala Community Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
  • All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.

The backyard homestead Bible

Harving, Tom

The backyard homestead Bible : the most complete sustainable-living guide : how to start your mini-farm and quickly become self-sufficient

If you have a backyard where you want to harvest natural food, raise animals organically, and keep it neat, beautiful, and environmentally friendly at the same time, this book is for you… and here is why…Sustainable living is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially with climate change, rising global temperatures, etc. But the problem is that most people find it difficult to put the dots together and start living a completely sustainable life that is healthy for the environment and is 100% affordable for just about any family in the U.S. Would you like to have the knowledge and all the tools you need to create a life like that? Would you like to harvest healthy foods in your own backyard? Grow healthy animal meat for your children and grandchildren? And what about making everything work with completely renewable energy? This sounds like a dream life to me, and if it does for you as well, please read on. Includes: Where to start when it comes to living and creating a self-sustainable lifestyle for you and your family. What is a proper way to grow natural and organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries in your backyard. Are you looking to raise chickens, goats, or bees to help your family live healthier. What’s a proper and effective way of milking goats, gathering eggs, and harvesting honey. Everything you need to know about preserving, canning, fermenting, pickling, and more. How to make your home and life self-sustainable without spending a fortune on it. Some of the most amazing craftmanship ideas for spring, summer, autumn, and even winter. And even if you are about to start building this kind of lifestyle from the ground up, don’t worry. This book will take you by the hand and lead you through every single step!

Tom Harving

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