The television series is a spinoff from the popular Breaking Bad television show. The series takes place six years before the events of Breaking Bad and features small-time lawyer Jimmy McGill. The series follows the exploits of Jimmy and the circumstances that lead to his metamorphosis into criminal-minded lawyer Saul Goodman.
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created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould ; producers, Bob Odenkirk, Nina Jack, and Diane Mercer ; Sony Pictures Television.
Special features: three uncensored episodes; cast & crew commentaries on every episode; "Better call Saul": day one; creating the first season; gag reel; music video.
Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando, Michael McKean.
DVD, 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen, Region 1.
English, French or Portuguese dialogue; Spanish, Portuguese, French or English subtitles; closed-captioned.
Better call Saul - Season 1
Odenkirk, Bob
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