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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

The bride wore white

Quick, Amanda
"The moment she removed one long, black glove and touched the rim of the crystal bowl, Madame Ariadne knew the client on the other side of the table intended to murder her. Damn. As if she didn't have enough problems at the moment. She'd had it with the profession. If she survived the night, Madame Ariadne, Psychic Dream Consultant, was going to disappear forever. Her real name was Prudence Ryland but those who paid to have her interpret their dreams knew her only as Madame Ariadne. She had never really felt that the dream reading business was her true calling. Yes, there was very good money in it and yes, she had a talent for it, but she had never liked the work. Tonight it might get her killed. "This is the first time I have consulted a psychic about the meaning of my dreams," Thomas Tapson said. In the shadows of the darkened room his eyes glinted with the reflected light of the old-fashioned lamp in the center of the round table. "I look forward to the experience.""--


Amanda Quick.
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