The story centers around Danny Noonan, who is desperate to win the college scholarship awarded to the best caddy at Bushwood Country Club. Also involved are a millionaire who wants to turn the golf course into a a new property development and a greenskeeper who is about to start World War III--against a gopher.
MPAA rating: R.
an Orion Pictures release thru Warner Bros ; a Jon Peters production ; written by Brian Doyle-Murray & Harold Ramis & Douglas Kenney ; produced by Douglas Kenney ; directed by Harold Ramis.
Widescreen presentation.
Originally released as a motion picture in 1980.
Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe, Bill Murray, Sarah Holcomb, Cindy Morgan.
Editor, William Carruth ; music composer, Johnny Mandel ; director of photography, Stevan Larner.
DVD; Dolby Digital mono.
English and French language soundtracks, with optional subtitles in English and French ; closed-captioned in English for the hearing impaired.
Ramis, Harold
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