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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Hudson Library and Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

Child of glass

Alemagna, Beatrice
A story about difference, exclusion, and ultimately self-acceptance, Child of Glass explores the interplay between inner and outer and the journey we have to go on to become ourselves. Child of Glass is about Gisele, a fragile, strong, transparent girl who denounces the meanness that can mark life in the world. In sparse, poetic language that all of us, however young or old, can understand, Child of Glass reminds us of our birthright to become ourselves. Freedom isn't about accepting what is; it's about asking the questions and taking the actions that allow us to be at home in the world.


Beatrice Alemagna ; translated from the French by Claudia Zoe Bedrick.

Translation of: Gis©·le de Verre.
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