"When visitors from a distant galaxy return to earth on a secret mission, their other-worldly powers afford a group of senior citizens who had expected nothing more from life than bingo, shuffleboard, aches and pains, the chance to recapture their youth"--Container.
MPAA rating: PG-13.|||general
20th Century Fox ; a Zanuck/Brown production ; producers, Richard D. Zanuck, David Brown, Lili Fini Zanuck ; director, Ron Howard ; screenplay, Tom Benedek.
Originally produced as a motion picture in 1985.
"Full screen version modified from its original theatrical version. This version has been formatted to fit your screen"--Container.
"Widescreen version presented in a letterbox widescreen format preserving the aspect ratio of its original theatrical exhibition"--Container.
Special features: commentary by director Ron Howard; Behind-the-scenes featurette; Ron Howard profile; underwater training; actors; Creating Antareans; TV spots; theatrical teaser; scene selection.
Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Brian Dennehy, Jack Gilford, Steve Guttenberg, Maureen Stapleton, Jessica Tandy, Gwen Verdon, Herta Ware, Tahnee Welch.
Story, David Saperstein ; music, James Horner.
DVD; Dolby Digital.
Closed captioned for the hearing impaired.
In English, Spanish or French with optional English or Spanish subtitled versions.