Everyone knows the cool beans. They're sooooo cool. And then there's the uncool has-bean ... Always on the sidelines, one bean unsuccessfully tries everything he can to fit in with the crowd--until one day the cool beans show him how it's done.
Ages 4-8.|||juvenile
written by Jory John ; illustrations by Pete Oswald.
VOX Books.
Book originally published: New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2019]
VOX Audio playback device includes headphone jack, external speaker, play/pause button, volume controls, page-turning controls, rechargeable battery, and removable AC adapter.
"The permanently attached VOX Reader transforms an ordinary print book into an all-in-one read-along. There's no need for computers, tablets or CDs. Children simply push a button to listen and read"--Publisher's Web site.
Read by Maxwell Glick.