The fates of an unlucky pig farmer, a feisty home-owner defending her property, a lovestruck busboy, a disenchanted rich girl, and an American expat pursuing the Chinese Dream converge and collide as thousands of dead pigs are found floating down the Huangpu River, towards a modernizing Shanghai in Cathy Yan's (Birds Of Prey) debut feature.Bonus feature: short film, Limitation Of Life, directed by Renkai Tan.
Not rated by the MPAA.
Wide screen (2:68:1)
Special features: Bonus short film, Limitation of life, directed by Renkai Tan (13 min.).
Vivian Wu, Yang Haoyu, Li Meng, Mason Lee, David Rysdahl, Zazie Beetz.
DVD, NTSC, all regions, 5.1 surround or 2.0 stereo
In Chinese (Mandarin) and English with optional English subtitles.
Dead Pigs
Yan, Cathy
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