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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

The fair folk

Bristow, Su
"England, 1959: to eight-year-old Felicity, the fairies in the woods have much more to offer than her everyday life on a dying farm. However, as she becomes rooted in Their world, she learns that all magic has a price. In recompense for a tragedy, Their queen, Elfrida, offers her a gift--and fairy bargains are never what they seem. Now grown and at university, Felicity wants to build a new life for herself. But Elfrida--and Hobb, her constant companion--has followed her to Cambridge with other, self-serving ideas. Desperate, Felicity finally begins to explore the true nature of the Fair Folk and Their magic. Her ally, the folklorist Professor Edgerley, asks, "What do They want from you?" The answer lies in the distant past, and with the secrets of her own family."--Front flap.


Su Bristow.
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