Brands, H. W.
"From New York Times bestselling historian H. W. Brands comes the riveting story of how America's second generation of political giants--Henry Clay
Daniel Webster
and John Calhoun--battled to complete the unfinished work of the Founding Fathers and decide the shape of our democracy. In the early days of the nineteenth century
three young men strode onto the national stage
elected to Congress at a moment when the Founding Fathers were beginning to retire to their farms. Daniel Webster of Massachusetts
a champion orator known for his eloquence
spoke for the North and its business class. Henry Clay of Kentucky
as dashing as he was ambitious
embodied the hopes of the rising West. South Carolina's John Calhoun
with piercing eyes and an even more piercing intellect
defended the South and slavery. Together this second generation of American founders took the country to war
battled one another for the presidency
and tasked themselves with finishing the work the Founders had left undone. Above all
they sought to remedy the two glaring flaws in the Constitution: its fudge on where authority ultimately rested
with the states or the nation; and its unwillingness to address the essential incompatibility of republicanism and slavery. They wrestled with these issues for four decades
arguing bitterly and hammering out political compromises that held the union together
but only just. Then
in 1850
when California moved to join the union as a free state
"the three great men of America" had one last chance to save the country from the real risk of civil war. But by then they were never further apart. Thrillingly and authoritatively
H. W. Brands narrates the little-known drama of the dangerous early years of our democracy"--