A captivating dramatic thriller set just after WWII, an all but forgotten true story about a soldier, Joseph Piller, investigating renowned Dutch artist Han van Meegeren who is accused of conspiring with the Nazis. Despite increasing evidence, Piller becomes more and more convinced of Han's innocence and finds himself in the improbable position of fighting to save the life of the colorful man with a mysterious past.
MPAA rating: R.|||adult
Claes Bang, August Diehl, Richard Dillane, Vicky Krieps, Guy Pearce.
Director, Dan Friedkin.
DVD, region 1, widescreen presentation, Dolby Digital 5.1
English audio; Chinese, English, French, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai subtitles.
Closed-captioned; English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.
The Last Vermeer
Lopez, Jonathan
Target Readership: