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The life of Chico

Rodríguez, Patty
"Chico Mendes nació el 15 de diciembre de 1944 en el estado de Acre en Brasil. Recolector de caucho, líder sindical y ambientalista, se convirtió en la figura principal en la lucha por preservar la selva amazónica. Abogó contra la deforestación rodeando pacíficamente el bosque áreas para bloquear excavadoras. Valientemente defendió la selva tropical y su comunidad con su vida"-Chico Mendes was born on December 15, 1944 in the state of Acre in Brazil. A rubber tapper, trade union leader, and environmentalist, he became the leading figure in fighting to preserve the Amazon rainforest. He advocated against deforestation by peacefully surrounding forest areas to block bulldozers. He bravely defended the rainforest and his community with his life." -- Back cover.


by Patty Rodriguez & Ariana Stein ; illustrations by Citlali Reyes.

Cover title.

On board pages.

Parallel text in English and Spanish.

Texto en espanol e ingles.
Target Readership: