Jenoff, Pam
Grace Healey is rebuilding her life after losing her husband during the war. One morning while passing through Grand Central Terminal on her way to work
she finds an abandoned suitcase tucked beneath a bench. Unable to resist her own curiosity
Grace opens the suitcase
where she discovers a dozen photographs
each of a different woman. In a moment of impulse
Grace takes the photographs and quickly leaves the station. Grace soon learns that the suitcase belonged to a woman named Eleanor Trigg
leader of a ring of female secret agents who were deployed out of London during the war. Twelve of these women were sent to Occupied Europe as couriers and radio operators to aid the resistance
but they never returned home
their fates a mystery. Setting out to learn the truth behind the women in the photographs
Grace finds herself drawn to a young mother turned agent named Marie
whose daring mission overseas reveals a remarkable story of friendship
and betrayal.