"Lost in the Library" is an imaginative and informative journey through each section of the library. This full-length musical introduces children to the adventures of reading, book organization, the Dewey Decimal System, call numbers, reference books, fiction and non-fiction books, biography and autobiography and much more! The 35-minute musical CD contains eight catchy tunes and dialogue that makes learning about the library fun and easy. Students may follow along in the interactive Guidebook that includes both the song lyrics and dialogue. The final section, "The Library Desk", contains more information on topics such as "How to Choose a Book" and a "Library Challenge" to assess how much kids have learned.
written and composed January M. Akselrad ; edited by Jennifer Jo Young.
"Includes: 37-minute musical on CD, Follow-along guidebook with song lyrics, a tool to test your new library smarts: 'The Library Challenge!'"--Back cover.