"Max's Chocolate Chicken": Max and Ruby are looking for Easter Eggs, and whoever finds the most gets the Chocolate Chicken. "Ruby's beauty shop": Louise is coming over to play Beauty Shop with Ruby. "Max drives away": When Max drives away in his little red car, Ruby needs to play detective. "Camp out": Ruby wants to camp outside, but Max wants to sleep outside the tent. "Ruby's clubhouse": Ruby and Louise play in their private clubhouse. "Max's picnic": Ruby and Louise are bird watching, but Max is more interested in the food.
MPAA rating: Not rated.|||juvenile
a Nelvana Limited production and produced in association with Treehouse and produced in association with TFO-TVOntario ; Nickelodeon ; Nick Jr. Productions.
Based on the characters created by Rosemary Wells.
Voices, Samantha Morton, Billy Rosemberg, Julie Lemieux, Kay Hawtrey.
DVD, region 1, full screen (1.33:1) presentation; Dolby Digital stereo.
Animation supervisors, Jeff Astolfo, Michael Lahay ; editor, Jamie Ebata ; theme music, TTG Music Lab.