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There are currently 3 announcements posted affecting service at Marianna Black Library, Jackson County Public Library, Macon County Public Library and Nantahala Community Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
  • All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.

Merry Witchmas

Petrell Ozbay

Ginger the Halloween witch has a big Christmas wish—a visit from Santa Claus. But Santa doesn't believe in witches—until Ginger's letter to him magically appears on his desk! This book is a perfect Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for kids.

Ginger spends a lot of her time creating spells, and flying through the night on her broom. But she is different from the other witches — because she also ADORES Christmas! Even with Ginger's good deeds and endless Christmas cheer, she's never received a single visit from Santa. What's a Christmas-loving Halloween witch supposed to do? In this twist on the Christmas holiday's traditional "believe" concept, Ginger's wish of a Merry Witchmas comes true thanks to some holiday magic and good cheer.

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