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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

The mundane work of vengeance

Lindemuth, Clayton
Six days before Baer Creighton cut down a cabal of dogfighters, a sixteen-year-old girl disappeared while walking home from school in Asheville, North Carolina. Witnesses later claimed they saw her in the back of a police car. Twenty-five years before that, an illegal fireworks plant blew up in Benton, Tennessee, killing eleven, and raining M100 firecrackers over half a county. A few days later, a thirteen-year-old boy learned his highest calling was murder. The Mundane Work of Vengeance begins where My Brother's Destroyer ends: Baer Creighton taking buckets of gold to Mae, dreaming of driving west. But Baer has no idea the treachery, blood, and misery in store. At his lowest with no one to trust, he'll have to decide whether to save a family who betrays him or a kidnapped girl buried in a basement, a half state away. If he can save anyone at all.


Clayton Lindemuth.
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