It tells the true-life story of Sara Goralnik, a thirteen-year-old Polish Jew whose entire family was killed by Nazis in September 1942. After a grueling escape to the Ukrainian countryside, Sara Steals her Christian best friend's identity and finds refuge in a small village, where she is taken in by a farmer and his young wife. She soon discovers the dark secrets of her employers' marriage, compounding her own greatest secret that she must strive to protect, her true identity.
Rating: Not Rated.
directed by Steven Oritt ; writer, David Himmelstein.
Title from sell sheet.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2020.
Wide screen (1.85)
Bonus features: Sara Shaprio's testimony; Exclusive behind the scenes featurette; Original theatrical trailers and other trailers.
Zuzanna Surowy, Konrad Cichon, Pawel Krolikowski, Piotr Nerlewski, Michalina Olszanska.
DVD, wide screen (1.85); 5.1 surround sound.
English, German or Polish dialogue; English subtitles.
My name is Sara
Himmelstein, David
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