The Dalton gang finds shelter in a seemingly uninhabited ghost town after a train robbery goes south. Seeking help for their wounded leader, they are surprised to stumble upon a welcoming brothel in the town's square. But the beautiful women who greet them are a coven of witches with very sinister plans for the unsuspecting outlaws, and the battle between good and evil is just beginning.
Rating: Not rated.
Aaron B Koontz; Devin Druid; Zachary Knighton; Noah Segan; Melora Walters; Image Entertainment (Firm).
Title from web page.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2020.
Wide screen.
Devin Druid, Zachary Knighton, Noah Segan, Melora Walters.
DVD, wide screen.
English dialogue; English subtitles; subtitled for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH).
The pale door
Koontz, Aaron B
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