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Parallel parenting solution

Knickerbocker, Carl
"The Parallel Parenting Solution was written for people who want to eliminate the unnecessary drama of Coparenting with a high-conflict ex--particularly in the wake of a hard-fought divorce battle. Coparenting does not have to take a toll on mental health, deplete your finances, compromise your values, or threaten your safety. For those experiencing the effects of Trendy-Trendy Coparenting as a living hell, your experience is valid. We've been there and lived it. But have no fear. There is hope, and it's called Parallel Parenting. It's based on the premise that all parties can achieve the highest outcomes for themselves and their families when they are free to work in parallel, rather than being thrown into the chaotic emotional enmeshment soup that is Trendy-Trendy Coparenting. Understanding the exploitative and conflict-producing fantasy known as Trendy-Trendy Coparenting as sold to us by the divorce industry vultures is as important as understanding the down-to-earth tactics of how to deal with your high-conflict ex. This book will teach you both. Families who want to heal after a divorce should not start with pie-in-the-sky expectations. They should start in reality. The Parallel Parenting Solution comes straight out of lived experience, extensive research and coaching, and is written as a direct solutions manual for those of us who have to deal with Narcissistic and high-conflict exes. The book is intentionally direct and solutions-driven because those of us who have lived with such exes know that we've already wasted enough time and life and energy on them. It's time for solutions. It's time for immediate change"--


by Carl Knickerbocker.
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