Pethick, Sue
"When the lumber mill closes
laying off most everyone in Fossett
Melanie MacDonald plans to revitalize her beloved but beleaguered homestead by running her border collie Shep in Fossett's mayoral race. . . Shep wins by a landslide. A lover of democracy and dog treats
Shep is rapidly earning the goodwill of Fossett's citizens. Tourists are streaming in and everyone wants to glad-paw the new mayor. Suddenly Melanie and Shep are media darlings
with requests for interviews
game shows
and personal appearances through the roof. But there's trouble in paradise. Determined to win back his former wife
Bryce MacDonald discovers a rival in tabloid reporter Chad Cameron
who's in Fossett to dig up dirt on Melanie and Shep. He finds a willing co-conspirator in the malcontent who lost the election. Hounded by the press and desperate to head off a potential dog-napping
Melanie unwittingly puts herself in danger. Shep comes to the rescue
proving his mettle to save his faithful human at the risk of his own life. . . and new political career"--Back cover.