Work, James C.
"The body they found floating face-down in the river was wearing only underpants. If it's a fishing accident then is it a photography accident when a second corpse is discovered at a remote lake and is wearing nothing but her underwear? Ranger McIntyre's usual duties as a park ranger do not include murder--or women in underwear for that matter--but he keeps on putting pieces of the puzzle together until they lead him to a backcountry hut and a murderer who orders him to disrobe. At gunpoint. Ranger McIntyre is also drawn into an FBI investigation. The suspect is selling salacious photographs of nudes who appear to be very very dead. McIntyre's interaction with the FBI agent is made even more embarrassing by the fact that the agent's secretary is the 'dead' gorgeous Violet Coteau who looks like a flapper shoots like Annie Oakley and drives like Barney Oldfield."