In the late feudal era of Japan, a young ninja is operating undercover in the court of an aging lord during a peaceful era of Japan that is on the brink of change. After the lord challenges his lazy samurais to a punishing marathon to toughen them up, the ninja finds his loyalties put to the test. Facing impossible odds, this unusual band of characters is running a race to win or die.
director, Bernard Rose.
Title from web page.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2019.
Wide screen.
Takeru Satoh, Nana Komatsu, Mirai Moriyama, Shota Sometani, Munetaka Aoki, Ryu Kohata, Yuta Koseki, Danny Huston.
DVD, wide screen.
Japanese dialogue; English subtitles.
Samurai marathon
Rose, Bernard
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