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There are currently 3 announcements posted affecting service at Marianna Black Library, Jackson County Public Library, Macon County Public Library and Nantahala Community Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
  • All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.

Shine of the silver dragon

West, Tracey
Diego is under the spell of the wizard Maldred who wants to control the Naga, an enormous dragon that lives deep within the Earth, and plans to use Diego to steal the two keys necessary for that purpose; the first key is guarded by Argent, the silver dragon, and Jean his dragon master, so Drake, Bo, Carlos, and their dragons travel to Gallia to try and stop the theft and break the spell on Diego.

1-3.|||560L Lexile|||juvenile

by Tracey West ; [illustrated by Nina de Polonia].

Accelerated Reader AR LG 3.8 1 197670.
Target Readership: