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There are currently 2 announcements posted affecting service at Nantahala Community Library, including 1 region-wide service interruption. Visit the Closings page for more information.
  • All locations will be closed Monday, January 20th.

So you're raising your grandkids!

Hodgson, Harriet W
"According to the US Census Bureau, more than 10% of all American grandparents are raising their grandkids, and the number is increasing. Included in this book are topics such as: methods for improving grandparent-grandchild communication, ideas for how you can connect with your grandchild's school, the latest child development information, and more. Hodgson draws on her 21 years of caregiving experience, including seven years of raising her twin grandkids."


Harriet Hodgson.

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Target Readership: