Ward, Sandi
"A boy and his cat. It's an unconventional friendship
but for Charlie and Lily
it works beautifully. It was Charlie who chose Lily from among all the cats in the shelter. He didn't frown
the way other humans did
when he saw her injured back leg
the legacy of a cruel previous owner. Instead
Charlie insisted on rescuing her. Now Lily wants to do the same for Charlie. She's the only one who's seen the bruises on Charlie's body. If she knew who was hurting him
she'd scratch their eyes out. But she can't fix this by herself. Lily needs to get the rest of the family to focus on Charlie--not easy when they're wrapped up in their own problems. Charlie's mother kicked his father out weeks ago and has a new boyfriend who seems charming
but is still a stranger. Oldest son Kevin misses his father desperately. Victoria
Charlie's sister
also has someone new in her life
and Lily is decidedly suspicious. Even Charlie's father
who Lily loves dearly
is behaving strangely. Lily knows what it's like to feel helpless. But she also knows that you don't always have to be the biggest or the strongest to fight fiercely for the ones you love ."--