Millions perish, and as small, isolated frightened bands unite, the answers to their perpetual questions to justify this end of civilization are bared in their dreams--revelations that urge some to embrace a path of virtue and others one of darkness. As the opposing forces separate into two camps, the noble elements try to shield themselves from their corrupt enemy.
Not rated.|||adult
a Laurel production ; Greengrass Productions.
Videodisc release of the 1994 television mini-series.
Special features included.
Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, Jamey Sheridan, Laura San Giacomo, Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis, Miguel Ferrer, Corin Nemec, Matt Frewer, Adam Storke, Ray Walston, Rob Lowe.
DVD, full screen presentation; Dolby.
Producer, Mitchell Galin ; teleplay, Stephen King ; director, Mick Garris.