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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.

The treasure of the Black Swan

Corral, Guillermo

"Based on historical events, this gripping graphic novel chronicles the fierce physical, legal, and political battles sparked by the discovery of an ancient underwater treasure. May 2007. The American treasure-hunting company Ithaca Deep Sea captures the world's attention when it uncovers a priceless shipwreck. But just as Ithaca's swashbuckling leader begins to boast about its plunder, clues emerge suggesting that the sunken ship may have played a pivotal role in Spain's cultural history. Thus begins a legal and political thriller, pitting a group of idealistic Spanish diplomats against a rich, ruthless, and powerfully connected treasure hunter, in which vital cultural heritage and hundreds of millions of dollars hang in the balance. Weaving threads of Tintin-inspired seafaring adventure, political intrigue, tense courtroom drama, and a bit of tender romance for good measure, internationally acclaimed cartoonist Paco Roca and writer Guillermo Corral have crafted a truly cinematic graphic novel." -- Back cover.

Paco Roca & Guillermo Corral ; translated by Andrea Rosenberg.

Chiefly illustrations.

Translated from the Spanish.

In English.

Target Readership: 
