"Steely-eyed. Quick as a rattler. Unforgiving as the desert sun. The stories of Nathan Stark's grit and determination as a manhunter across Indian territory are legendary. He stalks the wild western frontier on behalf of the army, pursuing hostiles to avenge his slaughtered family--and redeem his own failure to protect them. Once again reluctantly partnered with Crow scout Moses Red Buffalo, Nathan has been assigned to assist the U.S. cavalry in escorting a large band of Blackfoot Indians across Montana and into Canada. Refusing to leave, Chief Thunder Elk threatens to wage war if his tribe is not left alone. Wealthy rancher Bennett McGreevey wants the land the Blackfoot call home, and he's powerful enough to ensure the army does his bidding. But Nathan Stark is not a soldier. And no cattle baron is going to give him marching orders. It's a perfect storm for bullets to rain hell across the land..." -- back cover
William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone.
Includes excerpt from Red River Vengeance.