This delightfully sweet storybook follows a duo of harvest mice as they explore the countryside. A unique mouse-eye view shows creatures in their natural habitats as the two meet a quiet rabbit, get a peek in an energetic sparrow's nest, and make an amphibious acquaintance near the river. Exploring is tiring, but at the end of the day there is a cozy, warm nest to crawl back into, and the two mice dream of what nature will bring tomorrow. This title features twelve beautifully drawn animals to discover as Baker's award-winning illustrations put fascinating creatures like badgers, ducks, and squirrels at your fingertips. First published in 1990, this captivating story is a celebration of the value and irreplaceable beauty of nature, but it doesn't end there! This revised edition of Two Tiny Mice includes descriptions of all the animals illustrated, so kids can learn about the wildlife right outside their door. A classic book back in print, Two Tiny Mice will nurture curiosity and a lasting respect for the outdoors.
Text Difficulty 1 - Text Difficulty 2|||490 Lexile.|||juvenile
Alan Baker.
Electronic reproduction. New York : Sky Pony, 2019. Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 4077 KB) or Kobo app or compatible Kobo device (file size: N/A KB) or Amazon Kindle (file size: N/A KB).
Two tiny mice
Baker, Alan
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