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On the way to the end of the world

Harun, Adrianne

"As the Cuban Missile Crisis eases, President Kennedy is casting around for a demonstration of American prowess when one of his Cabinet unearths an old mandate that US Marines be fit enough to walk fifty miles in twenty hours. Perfect! Kennedy decides to throw down the gauntlet to "today's Marines," but before he knows it, he's sparked a wild fad. The entire country has answered the call, it seems, and for a few crazed winter weeks, masses of Americans will embark on their own arduous Big Walks - the "JFK 50-Milers." Yet in tiny Huntown - an isolated mill town in the Pacific Northwest - not everyone who shows up for a hastily organized Big Walk is motivated by patriotism. And when the walkers stumble upon the abandoned car of a missing young mother, they rekindle a mystery that soon reverberates among them, exposing hidden truths, talents, and alliances." - provided by publisher.

Adrianne Harun.

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