Wells, Katie
Katie Wells
author of "The Wellness Mama Cookbook" and founder of WellnessMama®.com
finally shares the secret of how she manages six kids
a company
and a career without sacrificing a healthy lifestyle in this step-by-step
comprehensive guide to clean
natural living
By following her simple detox plan
you'll be able to implement a system for better living by reducing toxic exposure
transforming your diet
and regaining control over your health. Katie provides practical tips for slowly incorporating this rewarding lifestyle into an already busy schedule
giving you the option to choose which area of life you'd like to work on first. You can detox your body with whole foods and natural medicines; clean up your beauty regimen with all-natural moisturizers
hair products
and makeup; get rid of toxic household products that include bleach
and acids; try a digital detox for you and your family; or learn how to de-stress by adopting healthier sleeping habits and finding time for yourself. "The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox" is the natural answer to matters of home
and motherhood
with over 100 homemade versions of essential household and personal products.