Documentary Screening: Hidden Rivers of Southern Appalachia
The Jackson County Public Library will host a screening of the documentary film, Hidden Rivers of Southern Appalachia on Saturday, March 8th at 2 p.m. in the Community Room. Hidden Rivers is a 1-hour film that explores the rivers and streams of the Southern Appalachian region, North America’s most biologically rich waters. The film follows the work of conservation biologists and explorers throughout the region - revealing both the beauty and vulnerability of this aquatic life - and how many people are finding ways to protect these ecosystems.
The filmmakers, Freshwaters Illustrated, is a non-profit group raising public awareness about the life, study, and conservation of freshwater ecosystems through immersive visual media and storytelling, and sharing imagery and stories with educators, conservation groups, and community audiences.
This program is free and open to the public. The Jackson County Public Library is a member of the Fontana Regional Library. For more information please call the library at 828-586-2016.