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Friday, April 4

Friday Films: Leap Year (2010)

Fri, April 4th, 1:30pm
Jackson County Public Library - Sylva, NC

Anna Brady plans to travel to Dublin, Ireland to propose to her boyfriend Jeremy on February 29, leap day, because, according to Irish tradition, a man who receives a marriage proposal on a leap day must accept it. Rated PG, Community Room, 1h 40m

Blue Ridge Garden Quest

Fri, April 4th, 2:00pm
Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library - Cashiers, NC

Come out this summer for a multi-part gardening workshop led by agriculturist Kenda Woodburn! The Southern Blue Ridge Mountain area has one of the most diverse temperate regions on the planet. We have the highest mountain peaks in eastern North... more

Cashiers Valley Group of AA

Fri, April 4th, 5:00pm
Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library - Cashiers, NC

Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more

Saturday, April 5

Cashiers Valley Group of AA

Sat, April 5th, 9:00am
Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library - Cashiers, NC

Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more

Boredom Busters

Sat, April 5th, 10:00am
Jackson County Public Library - Sylva, NC

Looking for something fun to do? Drop by the library for activity centers all ages can enjoy. Books, art, building, games, and more! Come try something new or participate in an all-time favorite!

Get the FAFSA Facts: What You Need To Know About Applying for Financial Aid For College

Sat, April 5th, 3:00pm
Macon County Public Library - Franklin, NC

Get the FAFSA facts! Find out what information is needed to complete the application, the due dates to submit, and how long the process can take. Southwestern Community College's Financial Aid Director Sayward Cabe will answer questions and explain... more

Sunday, April 6

Cashiers Valley Group of AA

Sun, April 6th, 5:00pm
Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library - Cashiers, NC

Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more

Monday, April 7

Toddlers Rock for ages 0-5 at 10a.m.

Mon, April 7th, 10:00am to 11:00am
MCPL - Franklin, NC

Toddlers Rock for ages 0-5 at 10a.m. Children sing songs, do fingerplays, play with egg shakers, scarves, or rhythm sticks, and play with toy instruments during this program. 

Grow Young Exercise for Adults 50+

Mon, April 7th, 11:00am
Nantahala Community Library - Topton, NC

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we gather to do the next exercise in the Grow Young Fitness program.  Attendees are welcome to bring optional lightweight dumbbells and stretch bands.The exercises are created for adults over 50, especially for... more

Mah Jong

Mon, April 7th, 1:00pm
Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library - Cashiers, NC

Join a friendly Mah Jongg game at the Library. We welcome players of all levels for an afternoon of friendly play and banter. Seating is limited. Contact Charlene to ensure your spot. 828-508-1404. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Tuesday, April 8

Tuesday Family Sensory Storytime at 10a.m. for ages 0-5

Tue, April 8th, 10:00am to 11:00am
MCPL - Franklin, NC

Join us for Tuesday Family Sensory Storytime at 10am for ages 0-5 years. We will read 3 books and sing songs during storytime followed by engaging sensory and fine motor activities.

Tech Time

Tue, April 8th, 10:00am
Jackson County Public Library - Sylva, NC

Drop by the 2nd floor of the Jackson County Public Library on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 12 PM to get tech assistance from our Digital Navigators! 

Rock & Read

Tue, April 8th, 10:30am
Jackson County Public Library - Sylva, NC

This will be a time to get up and dance, shake, and wiggle as we share stories, songs, and rhymes for kids of all ages, followed by a hands-on activity or craft!

Facing the Emotional Challenges of Chronic Illness

Tue, April 8th, 1:30pm
Macon County Public Library - Franklin, NC

Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can produce a range of emotional responses. In this training, we will explore the physical and mental impact of these conditions. Understanding can help us remain proactive, be resilient and promote better... more

iPad & iPhone Users Group (iPUG)

Tue, April 8th, 3:00pm
Jackson County Public Library - Sylva, NC

Join us for this monthly gathering of Apple device users to learn the tips and tricks for using iOS devices. Attendees will explore iOS technology trends together to get the most value from their Apple devices. Please call the Library 828-586-2016... more