Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more
Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more
Toddlers Rock for ages 0-5 at 10a.m. Children sing songs, do fingerplays, play with egg shakers, scarves, or rhythm sticks, and play with toy instruments during this program.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we gather to do the next exercise in the Grow Young Fitness program. Attendees are welcome to bring optional lightweight dumbbells and stretch bands.The exercises are created for adults over 50, especially for... more
Join a friendly Mah Jongg game at the Library. We welcome players of all levels for an afternoon of friendly play and banter. Seating is limited. Contact Charlene to ensure your spot. 828-508-1404. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Join us for Tuesday Family Sensory Storytime at 10am for ages 0-5 years. We will read 3 books and sing songs during storytime followed by engaging sensory and fine motor activities.
Drop by the 2nd floor of the Jackson County Public Library on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 12 PM to get tech assistance from our Digital Navigators!
Let's sing, dance, play, and read together! Join us on Tuesdays at 10:30 AM in the Storytime Room as we 'Color Your World' with art themed books this summer! Children of all ages are welcome to join us for this fun and exciting program. Afterwards,... more
Everyone experiences anxiety at some point. When excessive, it can negatively impact one’s quality of life. This course will explore medications used to treat anxiety, specifically in the aging population. Also explored will be effective therapies... more
Join us for this monthly gathering of Apple device users to learn the tips and tricks for using iOS devices. Attendees will explore iOS technology trends together to get the most value from their Apple devices. Please call the Library 828-586-2016... more
Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Tuesday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Friday at 7 PM - Topic Discussion - Open Meeting Cashiers Valley Group of AA - Saturday at 9 AM - Open Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions... more
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we gather to do the next exercise in the Grow Young Fitness program. Attendees are welcome to bring optional lightweight dumbbells and stretch bands.The exercises are created for adults over 50, especially for... more
Community Potluck is a chance to enjoy good conversations and good food with your neighbors. We gather at noon each Wednesday. Bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome. We hope you'll join us!
On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, from 1-3 PM, digital navigators will host a Tech Time drop-in time at Hudson Library with the goal to assist attendees with basic smartphone, laptop, iPad and tablet skills. Tech Time sessions offer one-... more
Weekly peer led Adult Children of Alcoholics and/or Dysfunctional Families meeting. Meetings are held in the Reading Room. Call 828-507-5347 for more information.