The Jackson County Public Library is holding a class on Facebook Privacy Settings on Thursday, June 30th, from 5-7 PM, at the Jackson County Department on Aging. This information session will explain where to find the settings on your computer to make your Facebook account more private and secure.
Learn how to control who sees what, how to keep others from using your personal information and how to block unwanted content. Find out how to discreetly unfriend someone from your Facebook account and how to turn off pesky notifications. This session is for people who already use Facebook and is not an introduction to Facebook class. You must be 50 years old or older to attend this class. This class is not intended to be hands on, but follow-up support can be obtained by calling the Jackson County Public Library’s Technology Mentoring Program at 586-2016.
The class is free, but space is limited, so sign-up is required. Participants in this class must be 50 or older. Participants can sign up either at the Library or at the Department on Aging. To sign-up, or for more information, please call the Library at 586-2016 or the Department on Aging at 586-5494.
This event is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Jackson County Public Library. For more information, please call the library at (828) 586-2016.