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There is currently 1 announcement posted impacting service at Nantahala Community Library. Visit the Closings page for more information.


Hudson Library has a fun and inviting kids room and library, containing a large variety of fiction and nonfiction reading materials, music CDs, audiobooks, and DVDs for children of all ages. Stop by and visit our well-loved dragon puzzle table, use our special children's computers and tablets that are preloaded with fun and educational interactive learning materials.

Hudson Library Children's Room

Children's Storytimes are not taking place during COVID-19 restrictions. We look forward to being able to resume these wonderful weekly programs.
Kids Zone, normally every Thursday after school, is not taking place during COVID-19 restrictions. We really miss having groups of kids in the library and look forward to resuming these programs once it is safe to do so.

All upcoming events are posted onto our online calendar.