Briggs and his companion Lulu, a Belgian Malinois, haul ass down the Pacific Coast in time to catch their best friend's and handler's funeral. One of them has a week to live; the other lives like every day is his last.
MPA rating: PG-13; for language, thematic elements, drug content and some suggestive material.|||adult
Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures presents ; a Free Association/Gregory Jacobs production ; in association with FilmNation Entertainment ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Peter Kiernan, Brett Rodriguez ; story by Reid Carolin & Brett Rodriguez ; screenplay by Reid Carolin ; directed by Reid Carolin & Channing Tatum.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2022.
Channing Tatum, Jane Adams, Kevin Nash, Q'orianka Kilcher, Ethan Suplee, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Nicole LaLiberté, Luke Forbes, Ronnie Gene Blevins.
DVD, region 1; NTSC; Dolby digital 5.1; widescreen; described video.
English dialogue; Spanish subtitles; English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH); English described video.
Director of photography, Newton Thomas Sigel ; editor, Leslie Jones ; music, Thomas Newman.