Noted local photographer Cynthia Ann Strain has drawn upon her forty years of living in the town of Highlands, North Carolina to present to the world a collective memory of the area as a magnificent pictorial journal. Cynthia uses the camera as a time machine, showing the reader both how much and how little the land and people of the Highlands Plateau have changed since its earliest days. Magnificent mountain vistas are blended thoughtfully with local color allowing the reader to see the Highlands community as if they were an adventurer exploring a new land. Cynthia's thoughtful commentary carries the visit further by sharing joyful moments from history and the present. The Highlands Plateau and the communities of Horse Cove and Scaly Mountain range in altitude from 2927' to 4930'. While this hardly represents a climb to the summit of Everest, it does, through Cynthia's insightful creativity, enable the reader to visit her personal Top of the World.
Cynthia Strain
Includes bibliographical references and index.