Dave Pigeon is BACK! And so is his side-kick Skipper. But trouble is afoot. When their Human Lady leaves to go on a 'holiday' (whatever that is), Dave and Skipper are horrified to find that their food supply quickly runs dry. With delicious biscuits on their minds, they set off in search of a new owner - but is Reginald Grimster all he seems? Why is he so keen on feeding them? And why does he have so many books about cooking . . .?
Ages 8-10.|||Grades 3-5.
mecanografiado por capi mientras Swapna Haddow se echaba una siesta ; illustrado por Sheena Dempsey porque David Pichone perdio sus rotuladores ; traduccion del ingles al palomes de Miguel Trujillo Fernandez.
"Publicado por primera vez en 2017, en Londres por Faber and Faber Limited con el titulo Dave Pigeon (Nuggets!)
In Spanish, translated from the English.
A Junior Library Guild selection (JLG)