Wollstonecraft, Mary
In an era of revolutions demanding greater liberties for mankind
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) was an ardent feminist who spoke eloquently for countless women of her time. Having witnessed firsthand the devastating results of male providence
she assumed an independent role early in life
educating herself and eventually earning a living as a governess
and writer. First published in 1792
this work created a scandal in its day
because of the unconventional lifestyle of its creator. Today
it is considred the first great manifesto of women's rights
arguing passionately for the education of women. No narrow-minded zealot
Wollstonecraft balanced passionate advocacy with a sympathetic warmth - a characteristic that helped her ideas achieve widespread influence. Anyone interested in the history of the women's rights movement will welcome this edition of one of the landmark documents in the struggle for human dignity
and equality.--back cover