How does it work?
Everyone who fills out a Tween/Teen Summer Events registration form is automatically entered into the online Reading Contest.Each Monday, you will be e-mailed a new online log in which you may enter the total amount of time you spend reading for that particular week. You will only input one number for each week.
To track daily time spent reading, you should record reading time on your own sheet of paper. When you are finished for the week, enter your total into the online log. So, on Sundays (the day before you receive a new log) you will enter a total for the past week into your current online log and click send. (If you are unable to get to a computer on the weekend, it is also acceptable to turn in logs on Mondays.) This process will also be explained in the first online log e-mail.
The online logs come to me each week when you click send. At the end of the summer events, I will add them together to find a winner, or the tween or teen who has read the most this summer. The tween or teen who reads the most hours this summer will receive a gift card and other prizes. Everyone who participates in the Reading Contest will receive prizes!
You will receive your first log on Monday, June 23rd. For the first online log ONLY, you will enter your time spent reading for the first week of Tween/Teen Summer Events (June 16th-22nd) AND the second week (June 23rd-29th). It’s okay to estimate your time for the first week. So in other words, you are keeping the first log you receive until Sunday/Monday where you will then enter your total for the past two weeks of reading. After that, you will only enter the time for the week that just passed.
If you DO NOT wish to participate in the online Reading Contest, you do not have to fill out and send the log. Please open the weekly log e-mail anyway and take a look, as there are other contests and challenges you may want to enter, as well as program information.
If no tween/teen e-mail address was listed on your registration form, the online log will be sent to the parents address. If no e-mail address is listed at all, you will not receive an online log. If you do not receive your first log on Monday, June 23rd, that means you did not provide an e-mail address on your registration form (or your e-mail address was written/entered incorrectly). If you DO want to participate in the online Reading Contest but do
not receive the first log, please let me know.
If you have any further questions, please e-mail, call the library
If you have any further questions, please e-mail, call the library
(524-3600) and ask to speak with
me, or speak with me at a program.
-Ms. Ellen
-Ms. Ellen