Macfarlane, Robert
An extraordinary journey into our relationship with darkness
and what lies beneath the surface of both place and mind. Traveling through “deep time” — the dizzying expanses of geologic time that stretch away from the present — we move from the birth of the universe to a post-human future
from the prehistoric art of Norwegian sea caves to the blue depths of the Greenland ice cap
from Bronze Age funeral chambers to the catacomb labyrinth below Paris
and from the underground fungal networks through which trees communicate to a deep-sunk “hiding place” where nuclear waste will be stored for 100
000 years to come. “Woven through Macfarlane’s own travels are the unforgettable stories of descents into the underland made across history by explorers
and murderers
all of whom have been drawn for different reasons to seek what Cormac McCarthy calls “the awful darkness within the world.”Global in its geography and written with great lyricism and power
Underland speaks powerfully to our present moment. Taking a deep-time view of our planet
Macfarlane here asks a vital and unsettling question: “Are we being good ancestors to the future Earth?” Underland marks a new turn in Macfarlane’s long-term mapping of the relations of landscape and the human heart. From its remarkable opening pages to its deeply moving conclusion
it is a journey into wonder
and hope. At once ancient and urgent
this is a book that will change the way you see the world.--book jacket.