Emma Nolan wants only one thing before she graduates: to dance with her girlfriend at the senior prom. But in her small town of Edgewater, Indiana, that's like asking for the moon. Alyssa Greene is her high school's "it" girl: popular, head of student council, and daughter of the PTA president. She also has a secret. She's been dating Emma for the last year and a half. When word gets out that Emma plans to bring a girl as her date, it stirs a community-wide uproar that spirals out of control. Enter Barry Glickman and Dee Dee Allen, two Broadway stars who decide to take up the caue and get a little publicity along the way. But when they arrive in Indiana to fight on Emma's behalf, their good intentions go quickly south. Between Emma facing the fray head-on, Alyssa wavering about coming out, and Barry and Dee Dee baskin in all the attention, it's the perfect prom storm.
by Saundra Mitchell with Bob Martin, Chad Beguelin, and Matthew Sklar.
"Based on the Broadway musical The Prom." -- title page verso.