An adventure story set in the world of a modern Mark Twain that begins when Zak, a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from a nursing home where he lives to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler and attending the wrestling school of the Salt Water Redneck. Through circumstances beyond their control, Tyler, a small-time outlaw on the run, becomes Zak's unlikely coach and ally.
MPAA rating: PG-13; thematic content, language throughout, some violence and smoking.|||adult
Roadside Attractions and Armory Films present in association with Endeavour Content and Armory Films production ; produced by Ron Yerxa, Albert Berger, Christopher Lemole, Tim Zajaros, Lije Sarki and David Thies; written and directed by Tyler Nilson & Michael Schwartz.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2019.
Special features: Zack's story: the making of The Peanut Butter Falcon; photo gallery; theatrical trailer.
Shia Labeouf, Dakota Johnson, Zack Gottsagen, John Hawkes, Thomas Haden Church, Bruce Dern, Jon Bernthal.
DVD, NTSC region 1, widescreen (2.39:1) presentation; Dolby Digital 5.1.
Dialogue in English; subtitles in English or Spanish.
The peanut butter falcon
Schwartz, Mike
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